Dr. David Gailey is a maxillofacial professional specializing in oral surgery and services in Spokane, WA. Inland Oral Surgery is located in Spokane, WA.

A canker sore on gum tissue can come from several sources, both behavioral and systemic. Here are some of them, and how to treat it long-term.

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PeriAcryl®90 is a cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive that has become a popular product in oral surgery. This dental adhesive is designed to perform specifically in the

Continued Recovery From Gum Tissue Graft. You will be able to go home following the procedure. However, if your dentist gives you a sedative to help you relax, you

Complete Dentures – Tissue Conditioning — Course Transcript. 1. 4. Tissue Conditioning John Beumer III, DDS, MS Division of Advanced Prosthodontics, Biomaterials

Mar 10, 2016 · Background Oral tissue biopsy may be necessary for lesions that cannot be diagnosed on the basis of the history and clinical findings alone. A thorough

Soft tissue lesions of the oral cavity are common in ren. When evaluating soft tissue lesions, it is important to distinguish between findings that are normal

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AlloDerm has been widely accepted for soft tissue applications. It supports tissue regeneration, by allowing rapid revascularization, white cell migration and cell

Using Smokeless Tobacco is gambling with your health! Smokeless “Spit” tobacco contains over 2,000 chemicals, many of which have been directly related to causing cancer.

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