Blue Color Psychology and Meaning. Blue is one of the most popular colors. Applying the psychology of color, it’s possible to learn more about the different

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The Meaning of Colors in Dreams. Color, like everything else in your dream is there. To Heal You ; To Guide You ; As an Expression of Your Reaction to the Subject

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Blue Aura Meaning 3

How to see and READ the AURA: Part 3. Seeing the Aura This exercise is designed to see Aura for the first time and/or practice seeing Auras. Choosing good conditions

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Blue Aura Meaning 2

Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite) gemstone meaning. Blue tourmaline, also called indicolite or indigolite, is a very rare and special kind of tourmaline.

The Spiritual Meaning of Colors Aura Colors, Healing Colors . Colors are one of the most beautiful and also one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the

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blue color: color meaning Color Blue Blue is the coolest color – the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight.

All living things are surrounded by an aura. Each of the aura colors represent a person’s mood or physical health and reflect the condition of the chakras.

Aura or auras may refer to: Aura (mythology), Greek goddess of the breeze and the fresh, cool air; Aura (paranormal), a field of luminous multicolored radiation

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, Why are we attracted to specific colors and what do they spiritually mean? Visible Light Frequencies According to David Icke

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Learn all about auras, how to read auras, how to see your aura, aura colors and what each aura color means. All living things that need oxygen to survive have an aura.