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Adults Tweet #YOLO When They Don’t Study, Get Drunk or Drive Too Fast

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Add a location to your Tweets. When you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location. You can switch location on/off before each Tweet and always have the

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The communications director fired over a tweet evoking AIDS and race that was sent as she was headed to Africa apologized today, saying she is “ashamed” for her

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In April 2015, the Pew Research Center published a study saying that 92 percent of teens report going online daily—including 24 percent who say they go online

Hey everyone! Don’t forget that the 2017 “Teens, Inspired” installation is up and running in the museum’s education wing! The exhibition will last until

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PESI is the leader in continuing education seminars, conferences, in-house training, webcasts and products for mental health professionals. Featuring the world’s

Even mans with average parenting skills can make a real impact on their ren’s lives

What teens and adults don’t know about love and sex can put them at risk, and their lack of knowledge is feeding a pervasive culture of misogyny in which 87

Nov 26, 2012 · Pediatricians are keeping a close eye on the possible emotional affects social media can have on teens.

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Teens’ Twitter use has grown significantly: One in four (24%) online teens uses Twitter, up from 16% 2011. Fully 95% of those ages 12-17 use the internet. E

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